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Rochester Youth

Football League

Rochester Youth Football League

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a list of some Frequently Asked Questions that parents have had over the years. We will continue to add to and update this as we get other question that others could benefit from or as information changes.

How do I register?

All registrations are processed via our website. Families new to RYFL will need to first create an account. Returning families can log on to their same account as previous seasons.

What towns does RYFL serve?

RYFL serves over a dozen local communities across multiple teams see below for team information and residencies served.

I am new to the League, what football team will my athlete be on?

  • Flag Football (ages 5-7):
    Teams will be determined by the Flag Football Director prior to the start of the season.

  • Youth Tackle (ages 7-11):
    •  New players will play for teams based on their residency.
    •  New players who reside in Rochester will participate in a draft where they will be selected for one of these four teams: Blue Outlaws, Gold Bandits, Maroon Marauders or Red Devils.
    •  New players who reside in Wakefield and Sanbornville will be placed on the Black Panthers team.
  • Little Raider (ages 12-13)

I live outside of the towns above, can I still play at RYFL?
We welcome all play!

Why is a birth certificate required?
The League Board wants to make sure players are playing in the age appropriate level. Starting with the Fall 2019 season, all players should be in programs consistent with their grade level.

What if I don't have a birth certificate or am unable to upload one?
If you are unable to upload an image online, you may also email a picture to the league.

Why do I have to upload school verification documentation and what is acceptable?
The RYFL Board requires uploaded documentation/verification of school enrollment as part of the registration process, for our youth tackle football and cheer programs only, to help us verify town of residency. Acceptable documentation needs to clearly display the students name, grade, school year and school name.

This can be documentation of their current enrollment or for anticipated enrollment for fall, depending on when registration is completed. We will accept screenshots of this information from your school's information system.

If you register early and have since moved, please notify the league as soon as possible and provide the school verification showing the change.

What are my payment options?

  • Payment Plans - multiple payments plans are available once registration opens in early Spring and are by credit card only. Payment plans are only available in the Spring to allow for all payments to be complete by the start of the season. There are no payment plans once the season starts.

  • Credit Card - you can pay in full by credit card at the time of registration, or select payment by check and log back in to pay by credit card at any time.

  • Cash - You may select the option to pay by check to complete the registration but pay at a later date. All payments are due in full by the first practices.

Are there scholarships available?
The League does have a limited amount of funding available each year to assist families each season (excluding Flag Football).

What does my registration fee cover?
The fee you pay each year covers a number of costs associated with running the program each season. This includes, but not limited to, insurance, field usage fees, facility maintenance, equipment purchase/maintenance and game officials.

Why do I need to do fundraising?
The registration fee you pay each season does not cover all of the above costs for running the program. Therefor, in order to keep our fees low for families we need to do a significant amount of fundraising.

This includes tagging, soda donations and donations of time to cover our cook shack. Without this fundraising, the individual cost per player would be up to triple the amount we currently charge.

What equipment does the league provide and what does my child need?

  • Flag Football: The league will provide a team shirt. Players need to wear comfortable clothing, sneakers and a bottle of water.

  • Youth/Little Red Football: The league will provide each player with a helmet, shoulder pads and game jersey for the season. These items must be returned at the end of the season or parents will incur an equipment fee. Players are required to have a mouth guard, cup, cleats, practice jersey and game/practice pants.

  • Cheer: The league will provide each athlete with a uniform for the season. These must be returned at the end of the season. Athletes will also need sneakers, as well as cold-weather clothing as the season progresses.

Are there any camps/clinics?
Yes, we typically hold pre-season conditioning camp before the start of the season. All new and returning players are encouraged to attend any/all of the days that they can. If we have any additional camps available, we will post those as we have more information.

What does my child learn in the Flag Football Program?
Our program teaches children the basics of football skills and drills. This is not a tackle league and very safe for
children at this age. It is not about winning or losing its about teaching teamwork and coordination. The skills learned in
this league will help your child in the future if they choose to move up to the youth tackle league.

What is the practice schedule?
Each teams head coach will set up their own practice schedule (days/time)

  • Flag Football: Teams typically practice twice a week for one hour.

  • Youth Football: Teams are able to practice five days a week once the season starts, but limited to three practices a week once school starts.

What is the game schedule?
Official schedules won't come out until a few weeks before the season starts, however below is a guideline for how past schedules have been set up:

  • Flag Football: Games are every Saturday morning for six weeks.

  • Youth Tackle: The season typically starts in late August/early September. Game schedules will not be posted until closer to the start of the season as we need to make sure we can field all teams. Each team is also split into two levels, an A and B team. The A team is typically more seasoned, older players, where the B team is the newer, younger players. Head Coaches will decide what level a player will be at, though it's possible that some kids may spend time playing at each level. B teams play first for each scheduled game.

  • Little Raider: This schedule is determine by NHJFL and typically includes 3-4 home games and 3-4 away games.

How long is the season?
The season typically starts in late August/early September and runs through late October/early November.

I would like my child to play up/down from the program he is eligible for, how is that possible?
These requests are handled on a case by case bases and decisions are made after discussion with the parents, coaches and League Preside t. We ask that parents who wish to make email us at the start of the season, no decisions will be made prior to that.

How can I help coach?
You can indicate your interest in coaching at the time of registering your athlete. You can also speak to the team head coach directly about helping to coach. Each coach must pass a background check.

I have a question that I don't see an answer for here, how can I get more information?
Feel free to reach out to the league by email and we will be happy to answer any additional questions you may have.


RYFL - Rochester NH Youth Football League
RYFL, PO Box 52
Rochester, New Hampshire 03866

Email: [email protected]
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